What if you could transform your stormwater design process overnight, saving you and your clients precious time and money all while creating the best designs possible for you project?
Discover the industry leading software package that will unlock the key to great stormwater designs
Updated Graphics + User Interface
Bundle WWHM-SWMM with the Training Course!
Get a sizeable discount on the WWHM-SWMM Training Course when you bundle it with a purchase it with WWHM-SWMM.
The WWHM-SWMM Training is an-encompassing course design to teach you every aspect of the model and help you take advantage of the best features.
There is a big problem in the Stormwater Design Industry
Hello their Stormwater Designer,
Today, there is a big problem when it comes to creating stormwater designs.
Whether we like it or not, the tools we are using today to size facilities, design pipe networks, and perform detailed analysis of our project site is simply outdated.
Luckily, Engineers are a resourceful bunch, dedicated to delivering the best possible product to their clients without making excuses.
Through any means necessary, you have probably used multiple hydrology software packages, hand calculations, and your own personal spreadsheets to finish a design.
And there is nothing wrong with that, engineers do what they need to do to get the job done.
But is this really an efficient, repeatable process that you can always rely on?
The Truth: You’re doing things the hard way…
I know, this can be tough to hear, but just let me explain.
You are about to start your Stormwater designs for a new project. The contract is a go, and now it is time to collect the relevant information and get started with your designs.
This is the fun part; this is why you spent long hours studying at university to get your degree, pass the FE, PE and so on. Time to do some good in the world!
Maybe you just received landuse information from the client. You now need to figure out how much runoff is coming from the project site. Do I use continuous simulation software, my own personal hand calculations using the rational method, or subcatchments in EPA SWMM? The choices are a bit overwhelming.
After computing runoff, we will need to construct the pipe network. You already created your runoff hydrographs in a different software, so you will need to export that information and bring into a program that can calculate pipe flows. You spend long hours exporting the data and entering it into your new project in a separate program. It took a long time, but it was worth it.
Expect, there has been a change to the landuse information. The client delivers new landuse information and you have to start all over again.
Meanwhile, the clock is ticking, and the budget is running low. The worst part is, it’s not even your fault.
What if it didn’t have to be this way?
The situation I described above must have hit home at some capacity.
Even if you are really good at your job (which you probably are) you have at most likely at one point run into a problem like this.
Our team Clear Creek Solutions identified this problem and wanted to create an all-in-one Hydrology Software that can model the entire hydrologic process in a matter of minutes.
Is it even possible to create my entire Stormwater Design in one program?
The answer is a resounding YES!
But the word “program” is misleading.
When people think of program, they think clunky, time-consuming, buggy and limited.
I think a better phrase than program is software tool.
The ability to create your entire stormwater design in one software tool is VERY possible and in fact, over the past half-decade or so I’ve slowly and quietly designed hundreds of thousands of facilities and projects in WWHM-SWMM much faster than I ever could have done it with other methods.
If you’re skeptical - welcome to the club.
When I saw the next software program that could “do it all” I would simply roll my eyes, I had been through this routine before.
Developers would make promises that could not be kept. The program would be buggy, difficult to learn and unpleasant to look at. It made my design process much slower and was doing more harm than good.
If you wanted to learn how to use it, you would have to sign up for expensive, week-long workshops that still left you with head-scratching questions when you finished.
How do you know it can be done? Meet Clear Creek Solutions
Clear Creek Solutions provides software and consulting services for stormwater management.
The three co-founders bring over 50 years of combined experience to designing, developing, and applying state-of-the-art computational tools for the analysis and design of water resources and stormwater solutions.
Clear Creek Solutions provides WWHM software development and support services to the Washington State Department of Ecology and San Francisco Bay Area local governmental agencies. In addition, Clear Creek Solutions assists local jurisdictions and engineering consulting firms with their hydrologic modeling expertise.
Introducing WWHM-SWMM….
The Number One Tool to help Civil Engineers, Water Resource Engineers and Hydrologists model facilities quickly and efficiently. The most versatile and accurate Hydrology Software on the market!
WWHM-SWMM will help you:
Create Accurate Models
Quickly build models that simulate real-life conditions for Pre-Developed and Mitigated scenarios in the new, sleek user interface.
Get Results Quickly
Quickly model and size ponds, detention facilities, pipe networks and much more using real-life land data or imported GIS and AutoCAD Files.
Analyze Data
Take advantage of the numerous analysis tools, graphs, charts and flyover features.
Use LID and Commercial Elements
Model cutting-edge elements such as LID and standard commercial elements that are used in the industry.
WWHM-SWMM is a continuous modeling Hydrology software package that gives you the tools you need to create best designs possible, saving you time, money, and helping you deliver the best possible products to your clients.
WWHM-SWMM will help you accomplish 5 main tasks
Facility Sizing
Quickly, and automatically model the size of ponds, tanks, and vaults using state of the art functions such as autopond and quick pond, to determine, size, sideslopes, depths and other components.
Compatible With All Packages
WHMM-SWMM is fully backwards compatible with programs such as WWHM4, WWHM2012, SDHM3.1, BAHM, SOHM, SMRHM, TRUST, SMRHM and sideways compatible with programs such as SWMM to allow you to run any function necessary for Stormwater designs.
LID Modeling
Efficiently model the individual sand and gravel layers of Bioretention units and the percentage of water treated for the facility. Model a facility instantly using "Quick Swale".
Hydraulics Made Easy
Run fully-operational hydraulic calculations using pipe methods from SWMM5 and integrate it with the hydrologic genius of HSPF to create fully-fleshed out, comprehensive and accurate models.
Easy Import
Import GIS elements with ease, such as pipe network for AutoCAD Civil 3D projects, landuse data from a spreadsheet, or integrate data from another government issued model.
WWHM-SWMM Features
Powerful Analysis Tools
Utilize the extensive library of analysis tools to learn as much as you can about your project. This includes profile graphs, Autopond, Bioretention facility sizing and much more.
Configurable Interface
Add, remove, change and create backdrops in a fully customizable user interface that you can tailor to your own taste. Utilize the map function to quickly change project locations and use screenshot and undo functions to never lose your project settings.
Flyover Data Viewing
Use flyover data features to view transect properties, pipe depth, curves. graphs and other relevant data.
New and Included Bonus Content
But we didn't stop there, we understand that running software can be difficult, and sometimes time consuming. That is why we are here to offer bonuses to help you keep your software and projects in tip-top shape.
WWHM-SWMM is for you if…
You want to use the most advanced and cutting-edge software package on the market.
You want to spend less time tinkering with clunky, outdated user interfaces wasting valuable energy and money
You want to get accurate results quickly, with integrated flyover features to know the most about your project as possible
Create models that produce the best results and maximizes your designs, saving you and your clients money.
Effortlessly integrate your models with other government approved models to create cohesive designs and results.
WWHM-SWMM is not for you if…
You want to use an ineffective, hodgepodge of methods to improperly design your facilities. Wasting money.
You are not passionate about delivering the best designs for your clients.
Now we are sure you have a few questions…
So let’s get started…
Can I try out the software first?
Yes! You can download a trial version of the software and see if it's for you.
Do I have to pay for updates?
Nope! When you purchase WWHM-SWMM you get to update it as long as renew your year-long membership. You get lifetime updates when you purchase the lifetime ownership package.
Do I need any prior software knowledge?
Nope! We have WWHM-SWMM Training available for those who wish to learn the software directly from the developers.
Who do I ask for help?
You can contact our support team if you have trouble running the software, which is a bonus when you purchase the full version.
Can I have the software on multiple computers?
That depends of what package you buy. The Multi-User package is the best option for large offices.
Who has used this software?
This software has been used by clients all over the world.
Now you could just use free software packages
And many of them do work, but are often government provided. These packages lack the tech-support, instructional video content, and a new easy to use interface that WWHM-SWMM has. These government packages tend to be one-dimensional, requiring you to navigate between several programs. WHMM-SWMM combines all necessary Stormwater design features into one software packages, saving you precious time!
Or spend thousands of dollars on other software packages
Other software packages require you to spend thousands of dollars on each feature. Not only does this get expensive fast, but these features are usually single event based, and lack the in-depth analysis tools that WWHM-SWMM brings.
Did you Know?
The average hourly rate for a Civil Engineer in the United States is $34? If you are using an inferior software package, that wastes one of your engineers two hours per week, this cost amounts to a whopping $3,400 a year?
- Source: Ziprecruiter
Did you Know?
WWHM-SWMM's pond sizing function is very accurate, and allows you to size the smallest pond possible to the requirements and regulations given. One cubic yard of excavation can cost up to $20. A program that models a pond too big, can cost you a lot! Several feet of width and length on each side will require much more excavation.
- Source: WSDOT Unit Bid Analysis

But today you can gain access for only $1497!
Bonus 1 - Full comprehensive tech support
($1000) Value
Have no fear, tech support is here! With a purchase of WWHM-SWMM, gain access to our highly experienced tech support team that will get your projects back up and running without a hitch.
Bonus 2 - Discount for the WWHM-SWMM Training Course
($500) Value
Get a steep discount on the WWHM-SWMM training course. This course includes 10 total modules and nearly 100 videos teaching you how to use WWHM-SWMM with step-by-step instructions and practice projects. Ask questions directly to our developers and get modeling even faster with this training package.
Bonus 3 - 15 Grab and go templates
($300) Value
We are all about saving you time. With a purchase of WWHM-SWMM you can download our 15 ready-to-use project templates to help create models even faster!
So here is what you're getting in WWHM-SWMM
The full version of WWHM-SWMM, complete with HSPF, SWMM and commercial elements. ($5000 value)
BONUS A discount for the WWHM-SWMM Training Course ($500 value)
BONUS Full comprehensive tech support to make sure your projects and models run smoothly ($1500 value)
BONUS 15 ready to go templates to be used in your projects ($300 value)
Total value for all the software components and bonuses = $7,300
If all this did was….
Save your engineers a couple hours per week in time running the software, it could save you thousands of dollars…
Allow you to bid lower than other firms and win a project because of WWHM-SWMM modeling capabilities, allowing you to model the smallest possible facility and produce the leanest cost estimate.
Then buying WWHM-SWMM should be worth it…

But today you can gain access for only $1497!
You can get the full software package for just $1497!
The choice is yours…
Pick the version that works the best for you and your company
Purchase Options.
There are two types of industry leaders…
You know who they are... it could even be you!
But in every industry there is a fine line between those who push the boundaries of what came before..
And the ones who continue to live in the past, and utilize methods that are outdated
You could be apart of an amazing movement that revolutionizes the industry
Creating designs that not only...
Saved you, and your clients money and valuable time
But were better for the general public, saving their valuable tax dollars
And continuing to forward the reputation of civil engineers and hydrologists in the industry
So join the revolution!
The choice is yours…
P.S. Like I said before, there are 2 kinds of industry leaders. One's who push forward the newest, boldest, and bravest ideas to help their clients and the public, and the ones who are left wondering what happened.