Earn PDH Credits With the WWHM 2012 Academy
Clear Creek Solutions has prepared an exam on the material presented in the WWHM 2012 Academy. The purpose of the examination is to allow students of the course to pass an exam and receive PDH credits. There are total of 6 Instructional Hours in this Course.
What are the definition of PDH, LU and CEU? Professional Development Hour (PDH) is defined as one contact hour of instruction, presentation or study. The term PDH is commonly used in the engineering community. The maximum PDH for a seminar that starts at 8 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. with an hour lunch is eight (8). Short breaks are permissible as long as a minimum of 50 minutes of presentation/participation/study per hour is undertaken. If there are no breaks, or there are breaks of less than 10 minutes per hour, no additional time may be claimed. PDH cannot exceed the actual contact clock hours. Round off PDH to the nearest half hour. No activity under a half hour will be accepted for credit. For example, a qualifying activity of 30 to 49 minutes would be reported as 0.5 PDH and an activity of 50 to 70 minutes would be reported as 1.0 PDH. PDH is sometimes called PDU (Professional Development Unit).
Source: Microsoft Word - What are the definition of PDH.doc (asme.org)
Determination of qualifying activities must be made by the licensee in the states that do not pre-approve courses or activities. With the broad range of opportunities to earn PDH, it is up to the licensee to determine whether the activity qualifies under the Board’s requirements. The following activities are usually acceptable to the state boards:
• Completing online courses or correspondence courses on topics related
to licensee's professional practice (a test is required at the end of the
• Completing or attending seminars, in-house training programs which
relates to the licensee's professional practice.
• Attending technical or professional society meetings when a topic related
to the licensee's professional practice is presented as a principal part of
the program.
• Teaching a course for the first time or if substantial time has been spent
in updating material if previously taught.
• Completing management or ethical courses which relate to the
improvement of one's business or profession.
For additional information on typical qualifying and non-qualifying PDH
activities, please study "NCEES: Continuing Professional Competency Guidelines”.
The test included is the document allows licensees to achieve the first bullet point requirement Completing online courses or correspondence courses on topics related to licensee's professional practice (a test is required at the end of the course).”. It is still up to the licensee, however, to determine if the online course relates to the licensee’s professional practice.