Change Log
Change Log for WWHM2012 and all other version of WWHM
20210604 SDHM 3.1
Fixed an issue with computing the number of End Caps for the Stormtech Chamber element. This issue only impacts the computation of end caps if the row length is very nearly equal to the exact length of total chambers + endcaps + stone width.
20160609 WWHM2012
Added king County Recharge on Analysis form
20160523 ALL
Update password for downloading latest program and allmaps files
20160202 ALL
Fix bug in LID Water Balance Chart
Add Clark2012SG and updated Clark2010 county files
20160129 ALL
Fix bug when selecting Infiltration on the Porous Pavement form
20160127 ALL
Changes to Auto Sizing routines.
2016/01/25 WWHM2012
Fix bug in Wetlands Fluctuation Analysis Report
2016/01/14 ALL
Fix for 3 outlet structures.
2015/12/29 All
Fix Water Quality in Reports. Was reporting all WQ results for each POC.
2015/12/22 WWHM2012
Update help file timestep to 15 minute.
2015/12/11 ALL
Bioswale Fix
2015/11/06 All
Bioswale Fix
2015/10/20 Version 4.2.10 addresses 2 issues described below. Both issues are considered programing bugs. According to the version numbering system in use as of October 21, 2015, the digits after the last decimal point are changed for this WWHM update.
(1)- Fixed a bug that occurs when using the arched pipe option in the tank element. The bug occurs in the last line of the stage-area-storage-discharge table. Because the area at the top of an arched pipe is 0 the incremental storage = 0 and this caused an incorrect storage value for this line. If the arched pipe never gets completely full then this will not impact the user. However, if the pipe does get completely full you will get an error. This issue has been resolvedby making the incremental storage an extremely small (0.001 x value of prior stage)non-zero value ?
(2)- Fixed a bug that occurs in the SSD Tableelement with multiple layers. The SSD table would not refresh after the user pressed on the “Add Layer” button and added another layer. This bug likely resulted in SSD tables with multiple layers generating an incorrect FTABLE and incorrect results. This issue has been resolved by ensuring the table refreshed after the user added a layer with the “Add Layer” button. .
2015/10/20 ALL
Fixed a bug that occurs when using the arched pipe option in the tank element.
The bug occurs in the last line of the stage-area-storage-discharge table.
2015/10/20 WWHM2012
Added Version number to Help/About and reports.
2015/10/13 ALL
Fixed bug in SSD Table not updating when adding a Layer.
2015/09/09 ALL
Fixed an issue with the 3 orifice design for autopond with total area between 400 and 600 acres.
2015/09/04 SDHM
Fix for Activation issue
2015/09/02 SDHM
Reset criteria for SDHM
2015/08/10 ALL
Fix bug in Autopond with Bypass Basin contributing
2015/07/14 ALL
Fixed Water Quality Drawdown Report results
Commercial elements available in BAHM2013
2015/07/03 WWHM2012
Fixed reports for Wetlands Input Volumn
2015/06/30 ALL
Added new commercial element
2015/06/03 ALL *** IMPORTANT UPDATE ***
An adjustment to the coefficient of discharge has been made that alters this value from 0.60 to 0.62. This results in a 3% increase in the discharge of the orifice. All existing models can be modified by a small adjustment to the orifice size to produce the same results.
The flow through the riser equation has been adjusted to account for a head condition above the riser greater than the riser radius. This adjustment transitions the discharge from the weir equation to the orifice equation. This adjustment will have little impact to most model results but can impact designs where there are significant head values on the riser.
The vertical orifice option for the Bioswale element was incorrectly applying precipitation to the element. This will impact only bioswale elements using the vertical orifice option.
2015/03/18 ALL
Update to Sutro Weir description
2015/03/03 ALL
PDF Report checks if both Senarios have been run to prevent error.
2015/02/25 ALL
UPdate Help files
2015/02/16 SOHM
Fix inconsistent Flow Freq results
2015/02/13 ALL
Minor bug fixes.
2015/01/28 ALL
Updated DefaultSoiltypes.csv and ~doe2012.csv adding SMMWW 12 in/hr soil type
2015/01/08 SMRHM
Fix PDF Report POC Analysis threshold incorrect
2014/12/10 SMRHM, SDHM, SOHM
Autopond adjusted to allow 10% exceedence.
2104/12/03 ALL
Update soil type SMMWW porosity from 0.85 to 0.4665
Fix Internet Registration issue with SDHM
Fix issue with WWHM2012 loading previous version WWHM4 Seattle project
2014/11/24 ALL
Fix bioswale Sidewall Invert Location storage calculation
2014/11/10 ALL
Fix SSD Table all outlets not shown on form load
Remove .5inch restriction on sandfilter outlet
2014/11/06 ALL
Updated SWMM from 5.0.21 to 5.0.22
Changed SSD table Height(in) to Height(ft)
2014/11/03 EAA
Added code for Edwards Aquafer Texas Recharge
2014/10/27 EAA
Added code for Edwards Aquafer Texas Recharge
2014/10/13 ALL
Fix bug in form size when Schematic Windows resized
Fix bug in StartPondSizer routine
2014/09/12 WWHM2012
Automatically rename Seattle to Seattle2012 to avoid confusion.
Tools/Export aligns all timeseries dates on export
2014/08/29 ALL
Fix internal OpCount when using multiple basins and multiple POCs
2014/08/26 ALL
Add additional Import file format for USGS *.RDB files
2014/08/18 WWHM2012
Added ability to enable Commercial Elements in WWHM2012
2014/08/12 ALL
Update to Landscale Swale
2014/08/08 ALL
Added SWMM 5.1 compatibility to SWMM Element
Added additional MGS .plt file import format
Updated SWMM Element for multiple scenarios
2014/07/07 ALL
Added additional diagnostic code to Activation procedure
2014/07/03 ALL
fix issue with discharge for underdrains with an offset and native infiltration
2014/07/02 WWHM2012
Update map to 2012 when importing project created with WWHM3 or WWHM4
Fix bug in SSD Table
2014/06/27 WWHM2012
Enabled Save button on Tools / Edit PRLNDS and IMPLND forms
2014/06/18 WWHM2012
Update Clark2012 perlnd files
2014/06/12 ALL
Fixed bug if Infilt calculations not needed
2014/06/02 ALL
Fixed Bioswale table values in reports
2014/05/27 ALL
Fixed bug in PDF report for Bioswale
2014/05/21 ALL
HEC-RAS only available in WWHM4 Pro version
Update HEC-RAS Import to support very large files
2014/05/18 ALL
Redesigned Sutro Wier
Added HEC-RAS Unsteady Flow import - Tools/Import Datasets/Browse/Files of Type/HEC-RAS
2014/05/14 ALL
Corrected bug for inflows to POC timeseries in Bioswales - no impact on actual results
Fixed issue with National Map using incorrect timeseries
2014/05/12 ALL
Fixed Run Status monitor
Fixed SSD Table Infilt column recompute issue
2014/04/24 ALL
Added Data/Time format to Tools/Export Dataset
2014/04/17 ALL
Added setting for sidewall location in Bioswale
Fixed permission issue with Current run date
2014/03/21 ALL
Fixed - old results were reported by flow frequency if "Too many zero flows" results occured.
Fixed Drawdown reporting issue
2014/03/19 ALL
Fixed bug in Gravel Trench
2014/03/16 ALL
Fixed Network WWHMLIC.bak file corrupt, please contact support or
2014/03/13 ALL
Remove conflict with Basins (all versions)
Fix permissions problems
Updated to latest HSPF code (Basins 4.2)
Add shortcut desktop icon to open WWHM4 folder
2014/02/19 PRO
UPdate Culvert element to use latest versions of HY-8
2014/02/18 ALL
Changed Island2012 gage to Everett
Bug fix in Bioswale
2014/02/10 ALL
Fixed Outlet 1 problem in KriStar Bio Element
2014/02/03 ALL
Fixes an issue with bioswale infiltration with 3 layers and no underdrain
2014/01/29 ALL
Fix .PDF report for Bioswale table results
Fix .TXT report for CALVS element
2014/01/28 ALL
Fix data export 'Out of Memory' when exporting 158 years of 5 min data
2014/01/24 ALL
Bug fix in Bioswale, insufficient discharge
Add Soiltype BAHM5 to BAHM
2014/01/22 ALL
Bug fix in WDM Maintenance when inserting row
Bug fix in Autopond using 15 min data with hourly timestep
2013/12/06 ALL
Remove default[] project files on application close.
Update Bioswale when only 2 layers used.
2013/12/05 WWHM4, WWHM2012
Update Clark county allmaps.
2013/12/02 - ALL
Add infiltration values to reports, fix Recharge Duration report.
2013/11/20 - ALL
Fix Run Status issue on slow computers.
2013/11/14 - ALL
Fix DefaultPersP.uci value for Porous Pavement.
2013/11/07 - ALL
Bug fix in Bioswale Element.
2013/11/05 - ALL
Fix SSD Table error when manually entering outlet values.
Changed default Timeseries Import dataset numbers from 500 to 400.
2013/11/04 - WWHM4, WWHM2012
Update Skagit County defaultpersp.uci.
2013/10/18 - ALL
Added Runtime display.
Updated Snohomish2012 Precipitation.
2013/09/11 - ALL
Added check in SSD Table for any decending values.
2013/09/10 - ALL
Added Help / "Check for Updates" to check website for program updates
Update to Kitsap2013 Map
2013/09/05 - ALL
Fix reports for Partial Peaks.
2013/09/04 - ALL
Fixed volume at riser head on Bioswale form.
2013/08/22 - ALL
Fix bug in Bioswale
2013/08/08 - ALL
Fix issue when duplicating a Perlnd or Implnd in Perlnd/Implnd Editor
2013/08/06 - ALL
Fix Element List
2013/06/26 - ALL
Report fix for Sandfilter and Splitter
2013/06/24 - ALL
Fix Water Quality calculation in rare cases.
2013/06/10 - ALL
Update Autopond with 3 outlets.
2013/06/06 - ALL
Fix PDF report show Durations for all POCs
2013/06/03 - ALL
Add Landuse to reports for Permeable Pavement Element.
Update Autopond with 3 outlets.
2013/05/22 - WWHM2012
Updated Clark2012 to same as Clark 2010.
2013/05/17 - ALL
Change handleing of Basins hass_ent.dll.
2013/05/16 - ALL
Update Jefferson2012 Precip.
Fix bug in WDM Maintenance tool.
2013/04/29 - ALL
Fix Soiltype edit in Bioswale.
Outlet 2 bug in SSD Table.
Add Bioswale info to reports.
2013/04/24 - ALL
Fix Bioswale data entry bug, Timeseries Flow To changed to label box.
2013/04/17 - ALL
Updated Help file links.
2013/04/12 - WWHM2012
Update Wetlands Criteria
2013/02/14 - WWHM2012
Updated Bioswale, and Porous Pavement elements.
2013/02/01 - ALL
Fixed program name on PDF report.
2013/01/24 - ALL
This fixes an issue with autopond duration calcs.
2013/01/17 - ALL
Corrected Landuse for POC in text and pdf reports.
Removed progressbar When reading L62 files.
2013/01/14 - ALL
Corrected connection issue from one POC to another.
2013/01/11 - WWHM2012
Fix LID Report for Water Quality
2012/12/14 - ALL
Exported timeseries was shifted by one timestep
Exported timeseries are no longer aggregated by calendar year.
2012/12/12 - ALL
Added header with units to Text file Export of Timeseries data
2012/12/11 - ALL
Text Report was not showing Year in Duration Table