Stormwater Engineering Designs of the Future
Clear Creek Solutions is dedicated to delivering versatile Stormwater Design tools and consulting services to benefit communities
How We Can Help:
Hydrology and Hydraulics
Wetland Volume Requirements
Facility Design and Modeling
Watershed Calibration
Clear Creek Solutions Pioneered the Use Continuous Simulation Hydrology to Help Achieve the Best Possible Designs
Our Software
WWHM 2012 is the standard for continuous simulation modeling in Western Washington.
WWHM-SWMM combines the hydrologic power of HSPF and hydraulic power of SWMM to create incredibly detailed and accurate results that span the entire stormwater design process.
The standard model for Bay Area counties utilizing continuous simulation.
The continuous simulation model used in San Diego City and County.
Design Tools
Clear Creek Solutions utilizes a variety of in-house developed software and industry standard programs to model facilities and analyze results.
The standard design tool used for continuous simulation in Western Washington.
WWHM-SWMM combines the power of HSPF driven WWHM 2012 and EPA SWMM to comprehensively model a project and create thorough results.
Clear Creek Solutions are SWMM modeling experts, and create complex models for your projects.
Clear Creek Solutions’ founders pioneered the use of HSPF in software such as WWHM 2012 and are the upmost experts in using the program for stormwater design.
How We Can Help:
CCS will help you model facilities and meet local requirements.
CCS will calibrate watersheds for further analysis or compliance.
Meet wetland requirements and properly construct your model to pass criteria.
Get training on WWHM 2012, HSPF, SWMM, or any other CCS related software.
Selected Portfolio
Six watershed models were calibrated for the purposes of determining High Pulse Count (HPC) Coefficients. The HPC coefficients are used in the computation of the Hydrologic Conditions Index (HCI).
In order to employ HSPF as the hydrologic stormwater engine for WWHM, it must be calibrated to watersheds that reflect the range of climatic, topographic, soil, and land use conditions within Clark County. In this study, model simulations were performed for the Mill Creek and Gee Creek watersheds.
Clear Creek Solutions used WWHM to size the two stormwater systems for Costco. On-site stormwater runoff (from the store and parking lot drainage) are routed to an underground storage facility consisting of 5240 linear feet of 96-inch diameter pipe (6.04 ac-ft of storage).
The City of Bellingham contracted with Clear Creek Solutions to provide hydrologic and hydraulic modeling services to develop a prioritized list of capital improvements related to drainage problems throughout the city.